August Weddings: Canopies, Tents and Fans!



The hottest month of the year is almost here! August is also the 2nd most popular month for weddings, with almost 10% of all wedding in the US being celebrated this month. I think brides often pick August to reduce the risk of rain (especially here in Washington) but in my opinion hot weather can be just as bad as rain. Not to mention in these hot months, the weather can turn quickly into thunder/rain storms. So it’s good to be prepared! Tents and canopies are a great way to provide your guests with a both shade, or rain protections. They also give you more decorating opportunities. And FOR THE LOVE OF WEDDINGS!!! if you are having a hot hot wedding, offer up fans to your guests. You can do custom printed fans, or just plain old fans, wither way your guests will thank you! (click photos for source)




Tied Bow Events

Head Tables & Sweetheart Tables

There are usually two options when doing wedding seating. A Head Table, which is a long (sometimes round) table at the front of the room where the wedding party, and bride and groom sit. Sometimes if it’s a large table (or a small wedding party) family will sit at this table as well. A head table makes toasts easy to view and for great photo ops.

The second option is a Sweetheart Table. This is usually a smaller round (sometimes square) table set near the front of the room where the bride and groom sit alone. The benefits of a Sweetheart table are, a great photo-op, smaller to decorate, the bride and groom have quiet time, and it gives your bridal party a chance to sit with their significant others, or friends.

I would say Sweetheart tables are definitely on the trend right now, but Head Tables are still probably the most common. I think its best to think about the space you are working in, and whether or not your wedding party WANT to sit in a big row, or if they would rather sit amongst the guests.

I’m loving the trend of using a vintage bright-colored love seat for the bride and groom either way. Seriously how great would it be to have a little couch to kick back on during our wedding?! In general having 2 unique chairs can be a great way to signify where the new couple sits.  (click photos for source)


Tied Bow Events