Green House Wedding

My mom and I went to a nursery sale last weekend. It was kinda fun wandering through the big lit buildings full of beautiful plants. I’m a sucker for terrariums, and vintage botanical, and the idea of a wedding in a greenhouse just sounds so awesome. Of course you would want to make sure it wasn’t 1000 degrees inside, that would be unpleasant.  I know in Colorado there were a number of botanical gardens that people could rent for weddings, or you could always find an older no longer in service greenhouse.  At the very least, there are some beautiful botanical invitations, bridesmaid dresses and centerpieces out there to give you that greenhouse feel. (click photos for source)


Tied Bow Events

She Sells Sea Shells

If you live on the coast, shells are often FREE! If you don’t, you can buy them on ebay for pretty cheap (starfish, Oysters, Sea Urchins, Coral) Here are some great ways to use sea shells in your wedding, that don’t get too crazy nautical. (click photos for source)


Tied Bow Events

Wedding Colors: Mint and Gold

I loved my wedding colors (Mustard and Grey) so so much. I’m so happy that I chose them, and more importantly I happy that I did them subtle enough that in 10 years I wont look back and cringe (as I know they are pretty trendy colors). Until now I wouldn’t have thought I could love another color combo as much, but alas, here she is! If 2011 was the year for Mustard and Grey, then I am officially calling 2012 the year for…

Oh it’s so splendid! I could gush for days about soft and feminine it is. How modern and sophisticated, yet vintage and elegant the combo is. It looks good on men and women and cakes alike! I REALLY hope I see this color everywhere this summer!