Grooms in Color

I wish I could have found more actual wedding party’s (Groomsmen) in bright colors, but alas, it either is such a new style that there aren’t any photos, or I’m alone in my love of brights. One of my favorite reality stars Brad Goreskie (from Rachel Zoe’s show) might be one of the best dressed man on TV. I DIE for his color block suits and Christian Louboutin’s Rollerball Spike shoes. Now of course I don’t expect grooms to be quite that flashy, but I think we could all take a page out of his book, and spice things up for spring! (click photos for source)



Rainy Day Wedding

Oh the rain, it wont stop! Today it poured and poured, and the whole town is soggy. Sigh, summer can’t come soon enough. However for you brides in the northwest, or anywhere that is still having gross winter/spring rain, have no fear! There are sooo many cute photo ops for a rainy day wedding! Umbrellas, Galoshes, Puddle Jumping…love it! My best friend is getting married in a week and a half, and she is stocked with cute boots and cute umbrellas for her wedding party, just in case. I’m so excited. So Mallory, maybe you too can get some inspiration! (click photos for source)

Ribbons and Trophies

There are a few awesome Theme Weddings floating around the internet. One of them is a 4H theme, and the other is a County Fair theme. They are both sooo cute. One thing they both do, that I love, is the use of Award Ribbons, and Vintage Trophies! You can find tons of these at Goodwill and garage sales. I especially LOVE the idea of spray painting lots of different trophies the same bright colors like this. They would make such cool centerpieces. Ribbons are also really cute as Boutonnieres, and a fun thing for family members to wear. There is also this awesome website that makes custom printed ribbons, I wish I had a reason to make these! (click photos for source)

This wedding is amazing!


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